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If our cathedral were a body then we would say that worship is our heart. Our worshipping community gathers regularly to affirm our commitment to God and to receive Holy Communion so that we can be empowered to go out and serve God and God’s people in God’s world.

We are committed to relaxed but well-done liturgy and preaching which addresses the challenges of christian living in today`s world.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Evangelist features the liturgy of the Eucharist at the heart of its regular cycle of worship. The word 'Eucharist', derived from the Greek word for 'thanksgiving', is also known as 'Holy Communion' or the 'Mass', and it is the central act of Christian worship. The title derives from the fact that at its institution it is recorded that after taking the bread, Christ 'gave thanks.' The 'Choral' reference in the title of the service refers to the fact that worship is led by The Cathedral Choir. The choir leads the congregation in the singing of the four hymns and the psalm. In addition, the choir sings choral settings to the Ordinary of the Eucharist (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei). During the congregational receiving of communion, the choir sings a motet appropriate to the theme or season of the service.

Every Sunday we meet:
  • 8:30 am Spoken Service of Holy Communion with Homily Book of Common Prayer
  • 10:00 am Choral Eucharist with Sunday School followed by a coffee hour
In addition, we conduct seasonal worship during special times in the church year. Every Lent we conduct a Wednesday morning 10am Eucharist at the Lady Chapel in the Cathedral and in Advent and Lent we have a mid-week Adult Study entitled Rediscovering the Saints.
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The Propers of the Church Year in PDF
The Book of Alternative Services

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The Book of Alternative Services in PDF

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The Book of Common Prayer in PDF